The Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team™, The Fast Way for New Team Synergy
1. Client’s Needs
The client aims at building the high quality products so they hired the qualified and senior talents to become the team. The company is expanding its business right now. They have the following needs:
l They hoped to conduct a workshop for product R&D leadership team, 14 people in total. Three purposes:
n Knowing self and team
n Building trust and behavior codes for the team
n Synergize goals and strategies
l The team members are quite senior in the field. They have different backgrounds, personalities, experience. Their previous employers have various corporate culture. The team leaders just joint the team few months earlier, they scattered all over the world (Different cities in China, the United States, Japan and etc.), they don’t know about each other.
2. A.PLUS Solution
By knowing the needs of the client, we have tailored the training, including:
l Completing the Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team™ report. Knowing one’s own behavior traits and the behavior performance in trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and result.
l The two-day workshop of the Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team™
n Knowing one’s own behavior traits, building vulnerability-trust
n By facilitating and discussing, everyone drawn conclusion of common rules to follow
n Based on trust and following the rules, discussing about the goals and strategies.
l Value-added after-training services after 3 months

For enquires,
Tel: (+852) 37098290 [Ms. Casper Chan]