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Workplace Excellence
Workplace Excellence

Knowing You & Knowing Me
- Build self-awareness of your workplace style to help you become more effective
- Understand and explore your priorities to increase understanding of self and others
- Establish your personalized action plan to overcome challenges when working with people with different working styles
Effective Interpersonal & Communication Skills
- Build more effective relationships to increase engagement within teams or among teams
- Communicate with different generations effectively
- Understand the perspectives and motivators your counterparts focus on
Persuasive Presentation
Overcome your on-stage fear of facing people and allow you to perform to your potential
Improve gestures, facial expression and posture to captivate audience
Design visual aids that add impact to your overall presentation effectiveness
The Power of Resilience
- Understand of resilience and importance of being resilient in the ever-changing world
- Empower your inner self by applying the principle of Positive Psychology
- Set up strategies to overcome challenges and maintain personal stability despite adversity
Effective Problem Solving with Critical & Creative Thinking
- Gain a practical and solid foundation in the basic principles that underlie critical and creative thinking
- Become equipped to think in more systematic, logical and imaginative manner
- Be a more confident and autonomous problem-solvers and thinkers by applying a sequence of thinking skills
Time Management
- Equip with concrete time management skill
- Learn to better manage work stress and increase productivity
- Enjoy going to work and maintain work-life balance