As a Leader, Team and Result, Which is Your Priority? Review of Event Co-Organized By A.PLUS and Coach Link
Faced with different team members, as a leader, you care result more than team or vice versa? In work, do you know the strengths and blind spots of every team members and their contributions? In Oct 20th, A.PLUS and Coach Link co-held the event” Everything DiSC® Know Oneself, Know Others, Better Communicate, Better Relations” By one-day event, we have led all the people to know the importance of Everything DiSC® in self and others recognition and improving communication, aiding to the enhancement of soft skills. HR professionals from a variety of industries joined and engaged, the event enabled everyone to reap knowledge and skills.

1. Coaching, Make Your Life More Brilliant
Before we start the event, Coach Ms. Youjian Wang introduced the non-profit platform Coach Link. She introduced the platform to help everyone become better by coaching coffee, reading group. This time we introduce Everything DiSC®, to introduce the psychological tool to help everyone to know self and others.

2. Everything DiSC® The Tool for Knowing Self and Others
As HR, you may have known some tools in personality and behavior. In this event, A.PLUS Consulting Director Fei Zou have brought the most updated Everything DiSC® assessment tool to help every participants to know one self and others from the perspective of DiSC®. Before the event, everyone completed Everything DiSC® profile. At the event, everyone judged their own behavior style, with the professional facilitation, they knew the strengths and blind spots of their behavior style.

3. Interact with Different Everything DiSC® Style Buddies
At the event, the most spectacular activity was the interaction between different buddies to interact. In the communication, everyone has known differences among people with different DiSC® styles and the underlying causes of the behavior. The interaction helped everyone to understand people with different type of different DiSC® styles so that everyone can be more easy and happy to get along with each other.
In DiSC® styles, Dominance D style and Steadiness S style have greater gap, so as the same between influence I style and Conscientiousness C style. At this event, many D style buddies and S style buddies interacted with each other for many times to showcase the difference among people with different DiSC® syles.
Thoughtful V.S. Prompt
One of the S style buddy quoted an old saying: The plums yielded in the trees on a boulevard are bitter because no one picks. To S style person, they would draw a conclusion that if no one picks the plums, then they are must bitter. To D style person, if I see the plums, I would definitely pick at once. This indicates the thoughtful of S style and the prompt of D style.

Result-Oriented V.S. Relation-Oriented
Also D style with S sytle buddy, D style leader say, I care people for my result. S style leader say, I care about result because as long as result is better, the whole team is better. So we can see the priority of different behavior style.

Focusing on What V.S Focusing on Why
Take an example from S style buddy, Her D leader asked her to finish one thing on Monday, while on Wednesday, she changed his mind, S style buddy felt confused. While D style leader won’t explain directly, this requires S style to adapt oneself to figure out the reason and do what D style leader wants.

In the interaction, the person who plays the role for D style leader said, why you don’t ask directly? While for the S style subordinate, why you don’t explain directly.
The above is about the interaction and example between D style and S style. There are also many fantastic content of this event. Everyone understood the positive function of Everything DiSC® in terms of interpersonal contact.
4. Psychological Tool, Everything DiSC® Simple, Practical and Effective
At the end of this event, our business and consulting director Emil Yuan has brought the comparison of different psychological tool and the summary of this event.

First, Everything DiSC® Scientific Assessment with High Reliability and Validity
Compared with other tools, Everything DiSC® adopted scientific survey designing, especially online adoptive testing, people can get more accurate result to help know self and others with scientific method.
Second, The Adaption of Behavior Style, Self Recognition and Action Enhancement
In the adjustment, we should aware, accept, adapt, the level are boosted. The real adaptation consumes energy. Behind this process, we work really hard.
In the three steps, which one is the hardest part? Our Master Trainer has given the answer. If you want to know more about psychological tool Everything DiSC® and also the answer, welcome to contact us or signup for the certification course.