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Leadership & Management
Leadership & Management

- Impactful & Exemplary Leader powered by Work of Leader®
- Turn the goal of leadership into tangible steps to get immediate results – crafting a vision, building alignment, and championing execution
- Excel the way you lead and move your business forward by a practical approach you can use right away
- Leverage your strengths and overcome challenges in navigating the unpredictable global economy
The Leadership Challenge® Program
- A catalyst for profound leadership transformations in all industries
- Applying The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model to manage current organizational and personal leadership challenges
- Review the Leadership practices Inventory (LPI) with 360-degree feedback to excel in each Practice to implement action plan back on the job
Effective People Manager powered by Everything DiSC® Management
- Deep understanding of your management style to become an effective manager
- Enhance skills to observe and adapt in 4-dimensional people management
- Establish strategies and action plans in managing employees, clients, and boss
Strategic Meeting Facilitation
- Increase the effectiveness of your meeting, engage all participants on task, and make the most of your time and financial investment
- Identify the key issues that are most important for the future of your organization and engages your team while getting to the heart of the issues
- Facilitator brings in specialized expertise to assist your team in working through strategy
Legal Awareness for Managers
- Give an overview on different areas of laws to managers by professional Lawyers
- Understand Employment and Equal Opportunities Legislations related to their role
- Understand legal support and how to use a lawyer effectively
Be a Change Leader in VUCA Business Context
- Aware the business world is VUCA, unless leaders accept to turn change to chance
- Adapted management to unleash them potential
- Enhance leader’s Growth Mindset for today and tomorrow challenges
Be a Change Leader in VUCA Business Environment
Culture Change Program
- Discover nowadays what employees’ value most (and least) in a desirable workplace
- Give insights on how can shape corporate culture that engages in all levels
- How business leaders do right to strengthen the workplace culture for higher productivity