What Kind of Capabilities Should Managers Have for Facing with Challenges

Having been working for many years, employees have finally been promoted as managers. In daily work, managers should promote their strengths and focus on their challenges. Working with subordinates and managers to achieve the goal.
A.PLUS has executed a two-day four-dimensional management training for a wealth management company, which has enabled the managers to master practical management skills.

1. Client Need’s

The client intended to overcome some challenges in daily management by taking the training, as follows:

  • Assign a task for subordinate, he/she cannot achieve and find excuses.
  • The subordinate cannot process data and communicate effectively, also the service attitude is not good, which all causes misunderstanding and barriers.
  • Sometimes I need to decide and execute in a quick manner, how can I cultivate such ability?
  • Working with managers. how can I enhance my communication ability?

All the managers expected to know management systematically and find the right path to promote management skills.

2. A.PLUS Solutions

A.PLUS has designed two-day training according to the problems, from knowing behavior styles to ensure the understanding of managers roles and finally promote management skills.

1)Knowing Behavior Style

People have different behavior styles, we have adopted Everything DiSC® psychological tools. We have let everyone know the traits of DiSC®behavior style. After all the concepts have been explained, we have led the participants to know self, others and the team culture.

2) Ensure the Understanding of Mangers Roles
The managers mainly engage in four steps: planning , leading, organizing and controlling. This is the essence of classical management theory. Besides, managers should play three roles: be responsible for result, know people well and manage them well, adopt influence.

  • Be responsible for result: managers should achieve the goal and result. Or the managers fail to fulfill the role.
  • Know people well and manage them well: managers need to know subordinates well, the result need others to realize.
  • Adopt influence: managers should know professional knowledge and use the power brought by position also adopt influence.

All three roles have drawn a line between ordinary employees and managers, that is managers should achieve the goal by adopting influence and leveraging others’ power. The managers are different from personal contributors who only rely on their own capabilities.

3)Enhance Management Skills

The four management skills are in mangers daily work, including:

  • Directing and Delegating: Assign task to subordinates.
  • Motivating: When subordinates work well, the managers should encourage them to make progress
  • Developing others: when subordinates need to improve, you should point out and help them to improve.
  • Working with Your Mangers: In working process, managers can strive for resources and set goals in negotiation, in this time, managers should adopt influence to impact on their superiors.

We have specified the management skills combined with different DiSC® styles to reach self, others and situation.

3. Feedback from Client

Everything DiSC® Master Trainer Zou Fei taught so great. As a S style, I have realized my blind spots. From now on , no matter in work or life, I want to make a difference. Many thanks for Mr. Zou!
The training is so inspiring, suitable and helpful in work.
The teacher is very professional, the training is scientific, practical and effective.