Turn Adversity into Delightful with Adaptive Service Approach powered by Everything DiSC®

Customer Service Training can make a huge difference to business, it is becoming even more of a differentiator for consumers who are focusing on spending or retaining.
A.PLUS in early June provided a 1-day customer service training for the full-service airline company, which rooted in Hong Kong now flourishing & reputed in the warmth of its service.

The training program focus on 

The Senior Flight Managers and team leaders shared the growth mindset to continuously improve customer service.
The workshop aims to enhance participants sensibility towards passenger with an integrated proactive attitude, by exhibiting personalized and professional services

Content Highlights

Everything DiSC is a psychological behavioral tool that has been used widely by more than a hundred million people, featured with high reliability and validity.  By using Everything DiSC psychological behavioral tool for self-awareness first, service people judge the customers’ behavioral style, based on that they adapt according to the situation.

 Understand self-better inside-out through the latest professional psychological tool – Everything DiSC®
 2 easy steps to identify Clients service style: inner drive & common ground to connect clients
 Solid tips for being aware and adapt own Service Strengths & Challenges while doing the interaction with various passengers

Participants feedback
‘It is inspiring and professionally understanding people and myself/ work better with different people …
‘The content fits with company business and service nature that can be practically applied in workplace’ …