Team Synergize Day – Unify Diversity Together Win the Glory

During the year-end, it’s a great timing to have retreat Teambuilding for unifying the teammates and synergizing the team’s spirit.  A.PLUS designed 1-day team synergy programme for an American biopharmaceutical company, not only passed the positive energy, but also wisely used Everything DiSC® to establish a common language among the participants.  The great positive result in rapports with participants were received with unifying the diversity and harmonizing relationship among the management team.

3 Learning Outcomes
– Team Synergy through Building a Common Language to communciate and keep momentum
– Use personalized & specific strategies to achieve more productive working relations
– Connect Better among colleagues by a fun & inspirational team initiative

The trainees were increasing understanding by adopting Everything DiSC

The trainees were drawing 30 in the ligh-up show.

They also drew pentagram during the training

At the end of training, the team drew TEAM in the ligh-up show.