New Creative Expressions for New Retail Futures

With entering the Millennium, the business management has been transforming itself from traditional models to innovative world, dramatic changes influence not only the brand’s business strategy but also company management culture. Under this modern and challenging environment, managers nowadays are expected to be internally and externally with multi roles, to cope with it, critical and creative thinking would be the foundation for carry on new initiatives.


A.PLUS designed and implemented 2-days program “Critical & Creative Thinking for Carry on New Initiatives for a well-known French luxury brand office management.

To pass through the progress of evolution, it has to begin with an innovative mindset, the program helped participants to understood the benefits of having a growth mindset over a fixed mindset. In quick succession, by targeting A.PLUS signature theories – “Six fixed thinking mode” and “Six transposition thinking mode”, with the experiential activities, let the participantsexperimented challenging but professional journey with comprehensive angels of critical and creative thinking。


2-days training created the opportunity to the participants to master the essences of critical and creative thinking and build complete and immersive path on their management in order to carry on new initiate.