Everything DiSC®, A Highly Efficient Way to Enhance Soft Skills

A.PLUS has executed a one-day communication training powered by Everything DiSC®. Before this training, A.PLUS has already conducted the training in September 2017 for manager level employees. The effect and training feedback is great, so they chose A.PLUS to execute this time.

1. Clients’ Need

The client intended to seek a common language to communicate in the organization, which can bridge the gap between people and enhance the recognition towards communication skills.
The client wanted to know oneself by adopting psychological assessments. Accept who you are, know others and adapt communication skills according to situation.

2. Solutions Provided by A.PLUS

A.PLUS as an expert in application of Everything DiSC®, has executed one-day tailored communication skills training. We adopt game to let the trainees communicate in the game, explore one’s own behavioral styles by using Everything DiSC® assessment tool. Knowing people of  D, i, S, C styles, as well as adapt oneself to reach the goal of effective communication.

3. Feedback from Trainees

“I felt rewarding. I know my blind spots and challenge my self.”
“Fantastic training, I acquired the essential part that needed to be enhanced.”
“The training was inspiring, on one hand, I know the confusing part in work, and it helped me to make change.