A.PLUS Customized Presentation Skills Training 3.0 Version-Powered by Everything DiSC®

On April 20th to 21st, A. PLUS has executed Powerful Presentation for a Fortune Global 500. The trainees have applied what they have learned from the training to work.

Presentation Training 1.0 Version

Many current training sessions for presentation have covered the following principles or knowledge such as 5W1H, KISS(Keep It Simple and Stupid)、MECE(Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive)body language etc.




The Difference of 3.0 Version of Presentation Training
-Everything DiSC® has showed its irreplaceable role in three following aspects
-Stress points that people of different behavior styles may encounter
-Issues that people of different behavior styles may concern
-The lecturer should adapt and adjust according to the requirements of presentation situation

Enhancing the Utilization Efficiency of Everything DiSC® Reports

Six months ago, A.PLUS has conducted influence training for the same trainees based on Everything DiSC®. This time, we have executed presentation skills training so that we increase the  value of the reports.